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Rise With SAP

Rise With SAP is a commercial program launched by SAP on January 27, 2021 that aims to accelerate customers' journey to the cloud. To date, the program covers the following four packaged offers:

  1. SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud (Essentials)
  2. SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud (Essentials) + Qualtrics (customer experience management)
  3. SAP S/4HANA Private Edition (Private Cloud)
  4. SAP S/4HANA Private Edition (Private Cloud) for customers with a complex landscape and wishing to stay on the SAP ECC6 version initially

SAP S/4HANA Extended is not part of the scope of the Rise With SAP program and continues to be marketed as part of a separate offer. SAP S/4HANA Essentials is a true multi-tenant SaaS solution, automatically updated quarterly. It is perfectly suited to customers with simpler management needs (no complex supply chain or production processes) and with a good culture of adopting standardized processes.

With SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud, SAP pushes less towards the logic of the Cloud than with SAP S/4HANA Extended and SAP S/4HANA Essentials in terms of simplification. With Extended, and even more so with Essentials, SAP's objective is to push customers towards maximum standardization of the solution implemented, in order to facilitate or even automate version upgrades (as is the case for multi-tenant SaaS solutions). This implies a strong limitation of the specifics and the technologies that can be used to achieve these specifics. Regarding infrastructure and associated services, customers have no other choice, with Extended and Essentials, than to entrust all monitoring and outsourcing services to SAP. Customers and customers' partners have almost no control over this infrastructure. During migrations, they can only rely on SAP services for all technical actions. With SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud, customers have more choice and can decide to carry out a number of outsourcing services themselves (or outsource them to the partner of their choice).

SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud is closer to an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) approach, with additional services and the sale of licenses in subscription mode. SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud consists of a single product reference (SKU) covering the following elements:

  • SAP S/4HANA On Premise Solution sold as a subscription (rent)
  • Maintenance/Support
  • Technical infrastructure (servers)
  • Supervision and outsourcing services for SAP infrastructure and lower layers  (Run System)
  • Optionnal : application management services  (Run Solution)

In summary, the main differences between the two versions are as follows:

Type Developments Mandatory updates Managed Services Infrastructure Upgrades
S/4HANA Cloud Essentials Multi-tenancy (SaaS) Forbidden(à faire en dehors de l'ERP, sur SAP Cloud Platform) Quelques personalisations possibles 4 fois pas an Exclusively by SAP Datacenters SAP only in Germany Technical actions performed only by SAP
S/4HANA Cloud Extended Single-tenancy (SaaS) Limités 1 fois pas an Exclusively by SAP Datacenters SAP or hyperscalers, customer's choice Technical actions performed only by SAP
S/4HANA Private Cloud Private Single-tenancy (Iaas) Aucune limitation, identique à ce qu’il est possible de faire On Premise (y compris modification du standard) 1 fois tous les 5 ans Made by SAP,customers or partners depending onthe customer's choice Hyperscalers Azure, AWS, Google or IBM Technical actions that can be partially performed by customers or their partners (all tasks that do not put SAP at risk of not meeting its SLAs)

Representation of the different services offered in the framework of S/4HANA Private Cloud and in addition :

The services included in Private Cloud include : IAAS, Paas and Saas

Improve & manage solution and transform solution are currently optional. These services can be provided by the customer, a partner chosen by the customer or by SAP. At SAP, these services are presented in the form of 6 CAS (Cloud Application Services) packages that can be subscribed to independently.

The "Improve & Manage Solution" and "Transform Solution" services correspond to TMA and project services (outside the scope of SAP subscriptions and services offered as part of the project).

Applium recommendation

Our recommendation is to consider the SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud offering rather than the SAP S/4HANA Cloud Extended offering, especially for legacy SAP ECC6 customers who are considering migrating to SAP S/4HANA.
Indeed, SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud today offers a better compromise for all parties, as it meets :

  • SAP's commitment to transform its revenues into recurring revenues
  • to the wishes of customers who remain attached to the freedom provided by On Premise solutions but without having to manage the infrastructure.
  • the needs of partners who want to preserve their outsourcing services and the resale of Azure hosting, while keeping control of certain technical operations

SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud is a perfect balance between the full SaaS approach and the traditional On Premise solutions. The best of both worlds!
SAP S/HANA Extended, and even more so SAP S/4/HANA Essentials, are preferable for customers who already have a strong culture of using SaaS solutions and know how to adopt solutions rather than adapt them.
learn more on Rise With SAP